Dear Members and Friends of the Guild,
A note of thanks for helping to make our 100th Anniversary celebration possible! We were thrilled to present our 25th Annual Gala, virtually, “1920 -2020 and Beyond”. In these difficult times we hope you found it uplifting! In case you missed it or would like to view the commemorative gala journal visit Mount Carmel Guild of Trenton, here.
We pulled the names of our three lucky winners - David, Denise and Terri - in our 2020 Restaurant Gift Card Raffle on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Thank you to all who took a chance.
Since our founding and as the focus of our mission, the Guild offers essential care through our Community Support and Home Health Nursing programs to residents of Mercer County. We continue to prepare to pivot our services as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and potentially escalates during the months ahead.
If you are a Guild Mission Member or friend of the Guild, THANK YOU! Interested in becoming a Mission Member? Learn more today! We can do so much more when we give and invest together.
Save the Dates in November
Shout Out to Notre Dame High School! Become part of their inaugural Notre Dame High School Turkey Trot, a virtual 5K Run/Walk! Proceeds will be donated to Mount Carmel Guild and Senior Care Services of Greater Princeton. Register ONLINE! Last day to sign up and post times is 11/29/2020!
Notre Dame High School Students' Food Drive extended. Donations accepted until November 11, 2020! Thank you for your consideration and continual support!
Pennington Quality Market (PQM) and The Power of Thanksgiving!
Pennington Quality Market is proud to support the 2020 Mount Carmel Guild Thanksgiving Food Drive 2020. A meal bag filled with all the traditional holiday trimmings can now be purchased for $20.00 through Sunday November 15. Each bag will then be given to one of the families of the Community Support Program the week of November 16. Thank You PQM and Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Autumn Special Announcements
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus #7677 in partnership with Notre Dame High School for the “MEGA Food Drive” on the Campus of Saint Gregory’s the Great Church! During the pandemic, a record amount of food was collected with organizers Tom Lencovich and his daughter, Lauren, Senior Class President of Notre Dame High School.
We appreciate our Supporters who host Fall Food Drives! @njdotcom lists ways you can support #MtCarmelFeedsAll! Help back “essential” organizations!
A Shout Out to the Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Troop #71839 led by Troop Leader Betsy Armstrong for donating 12 cases of Girl Scout cookies to the food pantry.
We are extremely grateful for our partnership with the Rotary Club of Trenton. Their generous donations and volunteer work are examples of the Rotary’s commitment both to the Guild and to the well-being of the local community. Over the summer, their enthusiasm helped us reach our goal for our Aging in Place crowd-funding projects on CaringCrowd, powered by Johnson and Johnson. #WeAreGrateful
Thank you to Princeton Area Community Foundation @princetonareacf for assisting the Guild with a COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund grant. The current pandemic has increased reliance on food pantries throughout the country this year.
In search of a great place to work?
The Guild has an open position for a part-time Registered Nurse with two years’ experience for our accredited Home Health Nursing program. Deadline: November 15, 2020. Click to apply on Indeed.
P.S. Please update your e-mail and telephone preferences, if you have not done so in the past year. Simply reach out to Patricia O’Neill, [email protected].