We cordially invite all our Mission Members and supporters to our Founder's Day Mass on Sunday, March 21st at 2:00 pm! You can choose to attend either in person at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Hamilton or virtually. We are honored to have Bishop O'Connell as our celebrant. Because of the pandemic, we do need you to register whether attending in person or virtually (to receive a link) at www.MtCarmelGuild.org or call us at 609.392.5159, Ext. 3.
Food Pantry Happenings
The food pantry is keeping busy with 985 visits in January. We continue to provide each household a prepacked bag of food and additional food choices. Recent outreach efforts have focused on sharing information about the Trenton food needs survey, COVID-19 vaccination awareness and utility assistance programs.
Community Support staff will soon be starting a second year of offering healthy meal kits to care receivers, thanks to a grant from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. We are currently collecting healthy recipes using basic ingredients for the kits and would appreciate help! If you have a recipe to recommend, please send it to us at [email protected]. You will find one of our featured meals later in this e-newsletter.
Meeting the Nursing Need
The Guild's Home Health Nursing Program has been providing information to all our patients on the COVID-19 vaccine. We are now accepting referrals for new patients and are actively seeking a part-time registered nurse. If you know someone who may be interested, please direct them to our website for details.
Thank you for being part of our Guild!
Volunteer Opportunities!
We are in need of a driver to pick up food donations on Tuesday mornings from Eet Gud Bakery, Trenton and deliver to the Guild.
Consider becoming part of one of the Guild's committees! Gala and Development are looking for new members.
ShopRaise is an easy way to help the Guild as you make holiday and everyday online purchases. From groceries and apparel to technology and travel – a percentage of almost everything you buy goes to support our cause. Find out more!
And for Amazon shoppers, all you need to do is start your shopping at smile.amazon.com and select Mount Carmel Guild of Trenton. Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases.